Saturday, March 31, 2012

Maes Creations, A happy knitter. Relaunch!!!!

This vision has been slowly burning. A good friend of mine has been saying "You will!" and not my favorite phrase, "Maybe".  Someday. its just not me.  Last year she lit a fire under my bum and it hasn't burnt out yet!
When deciding to take my Maes Creations - A Happy Knitter public, a lot of thought and prayer when into it.  I wanted it to be a fun experience.  I wanted it to involve the ones so close to my heart.  I needed to take an idea and actually set it into motion!  And in motion we are!
First up was deciding between two sites to host my shop.  I have decided.......drum roll please......ETSY.  May the applause commence.

Another hurdle was blending my blog to be user friendly and non specific to children's names, family names, and or their locations.  I wiped and saved my history and put up a policy and practices page.

Now for the fun stuff.  Choosing a wholesale company that not only states they have values but actually puts their values to work in their actions.  My clothing basics will be coming from Zee-Spot., Zee-Spot is a wonderful company that strives to keep our earth green and environmentally safe.
The excitement that I feel is boundless!  I have also made the decision on the appliques for our Funky
Onesies 4 our Lil' luvs.  Soft pre-washed flannel cut from the coolest little shapes imaginable.

You may be asking where are the knits? Funky knits 4 our Lil' luvs is where this adventure began! My knits will be focused on newborn -preschool, photography props, and Funky 4 our Moms luvs. On the home page of Maes Creations are pages. Each page will be dedicated to the Luvs I am working on.
Finally I have been researching different web based companies to provide all our stationary needs. After a list of wishes and dislikes were made I decide to go with Tiny Prints,

 Tinyprints allows me the ability to use our logo, text design and logo information. They also have an array of options for my stationary needs. Plus you can not beat their pricing! I am unbelievably grateful for all the love and support my family and friends have poured upon me. With cheeleader like them the only way is to move forward. As we get ready to launch the shop check back with us for all the progress. Next up will be designing the display modules using discovered gems from the great outdoors!

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