Has it been that long since I have blogged? I can not believe it has been over a month! A move. Meeting people. Excepting help. Plus the normal of unpacking, setting up house, and deep scrub cleaning can do that.
Throughout this process of letting go and seeing the good in those around me has rung this verse in my head. Exodus 4:11 The Lord said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?"
Do you judge by what your eyes see, or do you look beyond the image you first take in? I can admit that for me, I like to dress nice. I like to get made up and when I look into the mirror I am happy. For some reason it is on the days I get up and get ready for the day I am more active. On the days I say the heck with it and go to target looking like I crawled out from under a pile of rocks I feel sluggish and I sure do look it as well.
Which leads me to the verse. When I see people looking as sluggish as me on those days, do I look past the uncombed hair and see Gods child? In the last few months this has been an effort of mine. Working on seeing beyond the norm of society and putting on a new set of glasses. I have met some amazing people I might of not other wise met. And yeah know, they make me laugh. They have broken down my walls. I give thanks to all who see me as Gods child and not by what department store I am wearing.
Will I change my values on how I look? Probably not. But I'm I seeing beyond the slang? Beyond the name brand jeans? YES I SHOUT! I shout with joy in times of learning. In times of seeing through a Christ life. People are people. Plan and simple. Our character, humility, kindness, compassion, and our hearts eye does not see The Gap or the J.Crew. When I walk away from a day of meeting new people, I walk away with thoughts of them.
In updates of Blue Birds Shop wayyyyyyyyyyy on the top of the page. Yep below the logo. You will see a new link {page} It is the Shop Blue Birds! Yep, thats right go ahead and click on that. You got it! BAM! A shop within the blog. All in one place and centrally located for you! No more switching URLS. No more second guessing or trying to figure out where to go! Now I bet your saying " What about Prop-Aganda over there on the right? You guessed it! The prop shop is also centrally located on the blog and will take you right to the prop shop. From Organic Baby to Earth Halo you can easily get to both. The shop on the blog will be updated frequently as well as the prop shop. Here on the blog the shop is full of everyday items safe and organic for everyday use. These pieces are also apart of the KeepSake program!
I am at this time working on the domain. Soon you will be able to type in bluebirdsshop.com and be brought to here!
Here are a few images to swoon over from Lori of:
and Nicole of:
Look for these new items in the both locations! The shop here on the blog {below logo} and also Prop-Aganda {link over on the right}
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