Friday, October 18, 2013

Are dreams possible?

Have you ever thought your dreams are just random happy thoughts? Maybe, you think they are not attainable but instead wishes that make you smile?
As I started this Back to Basics concept in September I have gained value in learning I do not need all that I have nor is it necessary. I sleep and wake the same. I eat the same. I have seen that the basics are merely a way of how we approach everyday. Do we need to have a car? My answer has become no. Do I need the best to feel accomplished? No, I am accomplished in His eyes. In His word. With His Son, our Savior I am rich beyond measure.

I have held onto two wishes, two dreams, two idea's that make me smile. I used to say they won't happen. Nor would I value them enough to speak of them out loud. They were my happy place. I am learning each day that I am IN my happy place. I look at the water, the land, the buildings, the critters, and I see that I am walking and breathing in apart of my dreams already.

Taking a step back from the hassle of just moving has allowed me to see that I am alive within His world. I am here. I need to be here as well. A hard drop of water to swallow at times.

Today..... I am putting my dreams out there. I am letting them free from my captive mind and sharing them.

Dream #1 Buy an old barn and renovate it to be housing and a art studio in one. Yes, you read that right. This city girl has privately dreamed of a life with at least 4 acres and a barn. To see His trees every morning as I start my day. To paint, photograph and capture my eyes delight. Is it possible. A couple months ago I would have said no. But today. In this time of reflecting on what is important and whats valued. I say yes. Yes it is possible. How? I cut back. I do not need more than what I have. I do not need the car {well for now} and I also do not need the extras. Oh I love the extras! Boy do I like  good extras! But look at what I may have each day and each night before I am called home if I live within the basic needs and ignore the wants and must haves.

I see light and air. I see a place to renovate. I see peace and joy. I see abundance in knowing I can make a dream to be come to life. It needs a lot of work. A lot of tender loving care. Plus new walls meant for living in. But I can visualize it.  I can see the barn doors turned into huge glass sliding doors so the light always shines in. I see a minimal alley kitchen and subway tiled bath with a walk in shower. I see a loft with a walk way and see an art studio. Can you see it? Do you have a dream to let free as a bird? My second dream is similar. Sometimes when I think of the two it is hard to decide which is best for me. I simply love taking apart the old making it usable.  Dream # 2 is purchasing some land and placing an old torn apart cabin on it to renovate into a new building. Why cut down more trees, and saw apart more lumber when their are buildings sitting in yards rotting away. I think the excitement of bringing something back to life has much appeal to me. God brought me back to life as I welcomed Him into mine. He breathed His word into me and I am never walking alone. To bring life back into history is excitement to me. It is awe inspiring beauty. To touch the old beams. To close my eyes and imagine the dinners and laughter and moments that took place. Somethings are meant to be basic.  These two images I saw the other day on a search made me realize either one of these dreams is possible. I need to be in the idea and help them flourish.

 Do you have a dream? Comment below and set it free!


  1. I loved reading this! You are so inspiring- I love your Back to Basics way of thinking, as well as your strong faith. Very touching!

    1. Tracy, thank you for stopping by! Do you have a dream? A wish?
