Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year with a BANG....

Welcome to the year 2014 with Blue Birds Shop and if you know me well..... I am pulling an all night marathon of getting things done or kinda sorta done. If you are like me, your artistic brain goes from one project to the next and grabs a sketch pad while figuring out the next pattern! HA but I promise you this year will be going of with a bang!

I have added this shut the front lens CONTACT area>>>>>> right over there!>>>>> Do you see it?
This neat little gadget is for the guest writers I will be having this year. I am pumped to bring fellow artists and their lifestyles to the blog arena. Before I continue a want to share with all of you a little thank you to the year 2013. Here are just a few of the beautiful images that were blessed upon me.

Okay lets buckle ourselves in and get right down to the nitty gritty. The year 2014 will be exciting. Along with having guest writers I will be bringing a new charity. The New Charity is Caps for Good. My goal is to knit 100 caps for preemies around the world. Brought to you by the Warm Up America Foundation. Here is a link to the informational kit. Would love to see your caps for good. What a simple way to give back and warm the hearts of many families going through difficult living environments. In addition to Caps for Good I will be continuing my work with Soldiers Angels. With each purchase from my shop supplies for NICU families are gathered and sent across the United States.

Sending out the year 2013 is a triumph!

Boy oh boy did I learn along with my daughter that living a back to basics lifestyle was challenging at best. I grew tremendously during 2013. I am amazed by how little we actually need. A few wants will be brought back into our home. We have not had a television or even a stereo system. No gifts were purchased this past year not even for Christmas. The one thing  I thought I would miss the most was my trips to Cafe's  and Starbucks. Guess what?
I really did not miss it. I wake up the same and spend my day more alert to my surroundings.The one thing I stopped buying was trash bags. Getting plastic bags each time I go to the grocery store seemed to be a waste. That is one thing that will be continued. I purchased a smaller garbage can that works with grocery bags and I absolutely LOVE it!!! Recycling has become a huge part of our lives.
Being a pedestrian instead of driving everywhere has giving me a little bit of my past. At some point we will be bringing back a vehicle but for now I am enjoying it. I think as girls we struggled the most with  not going to the salon or mall. My daughter is extremely happy her birthday is in January because a new year means "mom" will probably buy a gift! My year of surviving and growing will be saluted with purchasing images taken by a good friend Lori of Fresh Snapped Photos in Sheboygan WI.
For all my friends, family, and fellow knitters I must tell you I am SOOOOOO looking forward to being pampered at the salon as soon as I can.

**** If you would like to be a guest writer please fill out the contact form. Please include a brief description of your background. Along with a topic of your choice. Topics are: photography, living a healthy lifestyle, giving back in your community, and simple joys. Each guest writer will be promoted on my facebook page and  google +. Complete details will be emailed to you. ****

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