Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Roll up my sleeves.... Something is missing.

It is time to roll up my sleeves and get down to business. When I started this blog it was intended to be a way to bring my fiber life to you. However, in the idea of wanting to keep the blog neutral and appeal to all without offending any, I offended myself.

You might be scratching your head right now or thinking you need a stronger cup of coffee but you did read that right. By keeping the "me" out of the blog I denied myself the pleasure of you the readers knowing me and the why this all began! I am a quiet person at heart with a loud laugh around others. Sounds a little
Create a Dream Board and watch yourself Soar                               odd? And it is!

I really do enjoy my quiet time and yet when I am around others with a passion for Christ I am loud and you never know what I will say. With that said I am rolling up my sleeves and getting the cobwebs out of the blog and bringing in the me. In the last six months this voice this whisper has been letting me know something is missing. I realized in the last few days it is my voice. My voice that sings in church. My voice that says I matter. My voice that shows others I am flawed and yet oh so loved.
There are many nights when my illness acts up and I lean on the blogs I have come to admire to give me strength and courage. Last night I found the me in my voice and began this journey of how to place it here for all of you!

Mathew 25:15
"To one he gave five talents, to another,
two, and to another, one, each according
to his own ability;
and he went on his journey.

What a verse to shout! Thank you to the Holy Spirit for whispering oh so softly and with patience saw my seeds take root. My talent and yours are our gifts. Gifts to water and feed and not put on vibrate in case we might offend. Our talents as woman are meant to be fed and cared for with His word when we doubt or even fear our own selves. What those talents are? They maybe being content staying home and raising our children or even being able to multitask many talents at once. For me. I enjoy the gift of knitting for wee little loves. And spreading joy to those through charity work. Donating beanies to NICU units around the country. Giving back to those that need a little hug on the way.  For the shop, this means more me in the blogs so get ready to meet the quirky Blue Birds Shop Owner! At the top of the blog I have added three additions. The 3 P's: Policies + Packaging + Promotions and The story behind the needles. There you find information on the shop and the story that began it all, and last a link to the Instagram feed for @myfiberlife where you can see the ins and outs and the makings of beanies plus much more.

What will this take? Elbow grease of course! Knowing not to get up and brush myself off once a fall. I will fall. We all fall. But the key is knowing He our Father and Savior will catch us. I will continue to grow spiritually and be more sound in my way of learning. Taking classes to educate my skills. Listening to others with a passion for their own sense of "me" and creating new friendships  along the way.
Oh...... and one last blurb:) This group The Influence Network, is a network worth knowing. The power of woman within the power of Faith and the idea of growing our talents I SALUTE YOU ALL!!!! If you feel weak. If you feel fear. If you feel lost. LEAN on those that will hear you. That will hold you high. That will cradle you in their wings. Here is a link to their site, one to bookmark for sure. http://theinfluencenetwork.com

And what blog would be complete without an amazing new product photographed by the one and only Aimee Pool. Her work is without a doubt memorizing and yet calming and shows such depth and detail. Right down to half moon dimples to smirks. If you live in the Scotts Valley California area or even on a trip she is one to watch and get a session with! 


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